Comments on: 3 Ways to Dry Peppers for Food Storage Grow, preserve, and savor fresh organic food with our vegetable gardening tips and recipes. Sun, 03 Dec 2023 17:36:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: ©Rachel Arsenault Sat, 06 Aug 2022 12:24:42 +0000 In reply to cindy.

Cindy, Your comment made my day! Thank you! Hanging peppers to dry is also tricky in Maine because of the high humidity we have at the end of summer. I have to use a dehydrator to dry most of my peppers, or they will spoil.

By: cindy Fri, 05 Aug 2022 21:32:51 +0000 I’ve been growing my own organic fruits and vegetables for over 5 decades but previously only freezing or canning. I bought a dehydrator since I no longer have the extra big freezers I had before I retired.

Since I don’t like spicy food, I started drying my own mild Habanada, Cubanelle and Banana peppers to make mild chili oil and chili powder. After spending hours cutting and removing seeds, preparing my peppers for dehydrating, I found your website to learn how to hang peppers to dry them. Obviously that won’t work in Florida. But I also found your exceptional website which is one of the best I have found so far.

By: ann Mon, 16 May 2022 09:15:57 +0000 5 stars
I live in NM (high desert, low humidity). To dry chiles, I just leave them with good airflow on my counter or just place them in a brown paper bag. I also dry sliced mushrooms and herbs like cilantro, parsley, basil, etc that way. Nothing gets wasted if not consumed fresh. Just dry them out. If people would just spend a little bit of time, there wouldn’t be as much food waste. Hope others will try to be more frugal.

