Comments on: Low Sugar Cherry Jam Recipe Grow, preserve, and savor fresh organic food with our vegetable gardening tips and recipes. Sun, 03 Dec 2023 17:52:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: ©Rachel Arsenault Sat, 08 Jul 2023 13:37:49 +0000 In reply to Darryl.

Darryl, It’s great to hear that the taste test turned out outstanding! Regarding the chunks of fruit floating to the top of the jars, what you are experiencing is known as “fruit float.” This can happen when the jars are very hot and the jam hasn’t fully jelled yet. The pulp, which is lighter and contains more air than the juice, tends to rise to the top during this stage. While it’s understandable that you prefer a smoother consistency without visible fruit chunks, fruit float can occur with certain fruits. To minimize this, you can try simmering the fruit over low heat a little longer after crushing to try to drive more air out of the fruit.

If you notice fruit float after the jars have been processed and while they are cooling, there’s a simple method you can use to redistribute the pulp before the jam gels. After about an hour of cooling and after the lids have sealed, check the jars. If you see any fruit float, gently turn the jars upside down to encourage the pulp to redistribute throughout the jar. After approximately 45 minutes, you can turn the jars right side up again. Repeat this process if needed until there’s no distinct dividing line between the fruit and juice. This technique helps maintain an even distribution and prevent a noticeable separation when the jam finally sets.

If your jam has already gelled with visible fruit chunks at the top, you can gently stir the pulp and juice back together when you open the jar to enjoy it. Separated jam in properly sealed jars can still be stored safely. I hope these suggestions help.

By: Darryl Thu, 06 Jul 2023 17:45:19 +0000 4 stars
I just finished making two batches of this. I’m a fan of the Pamona’s pectin and the ability to keep things low in sugar. Based on my taste test of the hot jam, it’s outstanding. I have one question. After pitting and stemming my cherries I chopped them. I’m not a fan of chunks in jam. I also mashed the fruit with a potato masher as the directions say. It appears that the chunks of fruit in the jars have floated to the top. Any idea why and what should do in the future to prevent this?
