Wendy, I wouldn’t leave hardy annuals out during cold snaps of freezing temperatures because young plants are not mature enough to handle it. I touched unexpected cold snaps in the article above under Step 1: “Watch the weather for early-season frost or unsettled conditions and bring transplants indoors until the weather returns to normal.” And again under Step 3: “If it is going to get below freezing move the plants indoors. Resume the hardening off process once temperatures return to normal conditions.” Does this answer your question? If not, please let me know and I will try to clarify further.
]]>Kayray, It is always a challenge to juggle seedlings under lights. There never seems to be enough space. I use soil blocks for most of my seedlings. The only plants that are potted up to larger containers are peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. The rest are hardened off and transplanted into the garden without potting up.