SEC Shorts came out with its latest episode on Monday morning, and it was to promote wellness checks for losing teams.

There was an Arkansas fan eating a pint of ice cream in bed, a Tennessee fan who appeared to stay up all night and be jittery with caffeine.

“What do I have to be nervous about,” the Vol fan said. “And Georgia has to win out, and they also have to win the SEC Championship, and if Bo Nix would, I don’t know, stop being Superman.”

Texas A&M was found in a dumpster next to Despair, who seemingly gave half the team a case of the flu.

Auburn was found surprising upbeat despite the loss to Mississippi State. Auburn was at a backyard grill and in a good mood.

“Hey y’all, burgers, brats or both?,” Auburn said to the wellness checkers. “… That is the most fight I’ve seen an Auburn team have the entire season. Coach Cadillac has me believing again!”

Missouri had a referee tied up in what appeared to be a hostage situation after the Tigers dealt with a tackle box rule and a late flag against Kentucky.

Alabama was also jittery, and got an in-person visit from LSU featuring a burger dropoff.

Here’s the full episode.