DraftKings Super Bowl Promo: Claim $200 Bonus Bets for Eagles-49ers Instantly

The Super Bowl is now set and DraftKings Sportsbook already has an elite registration promotion ready to go for it. This DraftKings Super Bowl promo connects all new users with a generous batch of bonus bets just for registering now.


21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.






The links on this page each activate that DraftKings Super Bowl promo automatically, helping you acquire your bonus in minutes. After any $5+ initial wager, you will instantly receive $200 worth of bonus bets to use however you wish.

The Super Bowl doesn’t kick off until February 12. However, DraftKings Sportsbook is connecting new users with $200 in bonus bets now. As such, the registrants will have a no-brainer opportunity to build their bankroll ahead of the year’s biggest game. Essentially, you are investing $5 and gaining a golden chance to bet the Super Bowl on the house’s dime. Your bonus bets are unrestricted, too, meaning you can wager on any sport to bolster that bankroll.

Click here to claim the DraftKings Super Bowl promo that rewards any $5+ initial wager with $200 of bonus bets.

DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Promises $200 Bonus

The Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs have advanced to Super Bowl LVII. For football fans, two weeks of build-up with no football can be an arduous wait. However, DraftKings Sportsbook has the perfect way to pass the time and get ready for the big game. Anyone who registers at the sportsbook through our links today can claim an impressive DraftKings Super Bowl promo.

Sign-ups need only place any $5+ first wager to instantly secure $200 worth of bonus bets. That bonus arrives regardless of the eventual outcome of the qualifying wager. Yet, if that initial selection does win, DraftKings pays out those earnings on top of the $200 bonus. The $200 populates in your account as eight $25 bonus bets. Those wagers are subsequently valid in all sports using any bet type available. In other words, you can spend the next week selecting any eight wagers. Any money you earn with those bets is then in your full control. To clarify, you will then be able to withdraw it or reinvest it into the Super Bowl and beyond.

Eagles-Chiefs Scoring Props

The Super Bowl is not for nearly two more weeks. However, DraftKings Sportsbook wasted no time posting betting options for the game. Of course, the line and total are available (and already on the move!). Additionally, several prop bets are posted, including some of touchdown scorer props.

The Super Bowl is famous for having seemingly every prop imaginable. Touchdown scorer props are a perfect example of this. There are copious touchdown scorer options, including first touchdown, multiple touchdowns, scoring and winning, etc. With this page’s DraftKings Super Bowl promo, you can use bonus bets on any props or any other action. Here are the five players that DraftKings believes most likely to score a touchdown in the Super Bowl:

  • Miles Sanders (Phi): -110.
  • Jalen Hurts (Phi): -110.
  • Travis Kelce (KC): -110.
  • A.J. Brown (Phi): +115.
  • Isiah Pacheco (KC): +125.

Claim DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Bonus in Four Easy Steps

DraftKings Sportsbook knows your time is important. As such, this sign-up process will take just minutes to complete. To get those eight bonus wagers in your account quickly and easily, just follow the four steps below:

  • Firstly, click here or any of this page’s links to activate our DraftKings Super Bowl promo.
  • Secondly, answer all registration questions to create your new DraftKings Sportsbook account. For example, this is where you will input your name, address, email, date of birth, etc.
  • Thirdly, complete an initial deposit of at least $5.
  • Lastly, lock in any $5+ first wager, instantly receiving eight $25 bonus bets.

Participating states: AZ, CO, CT, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MD, MI, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, WY.


21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.






21+ and present in Ohio and participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

Published by
Bob Wankel