Comments on: How to Grow Garlic: Tips for Growing Great Garlic Grow, preserve, and savor fresh organic food with our vegetable gardening tips and recipes. Sun, 03 Dec 2023 17:52:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: ©Rachel Arsenault Mon, 17 May 2021 12:22:20 +0000 In reply to the jet.

the jet, Elephant garlic doesn’t produce curly scapes like regular garlic. Cut the scape off once it reaches about 12-inches tall and before it blooms. Trimming off the flower stalk allows the plant to concentrate on forming a large bulb. I have never transplanted garlic, but if the plants take, the bulbs should be ready to harvest in 3-4 weeks. Go ahead and pull the garlic sooner if the leaves die.

By: the jet Sun, 16 May 2021 19:35:59 +0000 I have what a friend of mine calls elephant garlic. She dug up several plants for me. They have straight scapes. I planted them today (May). Should I cut the scapes off? These scapes are straight, not curly.

By: ©Rachel Arsenault Sat, 08 May 2021 12:08:48 +0000 In reply to Quanna Brown.

Quanna, Yes, it sounds like your garlic scapes are ready to harvest. The garlic bulbs will be ready to harvest when the bottom 3 leaves turn brown.

By: Quanna Brown Tue, 04 May 2021 19:56:49 +0000 I’m not positive what month my husband planted our garlic last fall but our scapes have already started to twist. I’m in zone 7b. Should I cut the scapes now in order to give energy to the bulb? If it’s usually harvested mid July, it seems somewhat early for it to be nearing harvest?

By: ©Rachel Arsenault Thu, 24 Dec 2020 13:47:22 +0000 In reply to Teboho Mohlabi.

Tebono, Garlic takes about 6 months to mature. The time to maturity varies with the climate and variety of garlic grown. We plant ours in October, and then it stays dormant through winter (December, January, and February). It begins growing in spring and is harvested in mid-July in my Maine, USA garden. Search for “how to grow garlic in [your location]” and you will find more information that will relate to your area.
