Comments on: Small Batch Chokecherry Jelly from Foraged Fruit Grow, preserve, and savor fresh organic food with our vegetable gardening tips and recipes. Sun, 03 Dec 2023 18:00:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: ©Rachel Arsenault Thu, 02 Sep 2021 13:45:15 +0000 In reply to Brenda.

Brenda, A quick Google search will bring up a lot of studies of animals being dying quickly after eating chokecherry stems, leaves, and seeds. All cherries and other species of Prunus have poisonous pits. They contain amygdalin, which the body converts into cyanide. Bears would have to eat a lot to be affected. Plus they tend to swallow the berries whole instead of crushing them.

By: Brenda Wed, 01 Sep 2021 19:02:43 +0000 I have never heard of the seeds being toxic. In fact, when picking them I have come across a LOT of bear poop and there is a TON of seeds in there. Well the bears gorge themselves on them. I have seen bears munching on the cherries but never seen a dead bear of doing such. I thought a few times a bear might fight me for my buckets of cherries…lol. I read where one lady gives the seeds to her chickens. They love them.

By: ©Rachel Arsenault Sun, 28 Aug 2016 12:11:31 +0000 In reply to Margaret.

Margaret, Yes, Pomona’s Pectin is activated by calcium. Some fruit contain calcium naturally, but adding it assures that it will gel:

By: Margaret Sun, 28 Aug 2016 07:41:46 +0000 Looks delicious – I had not heard of calcium water before. Since it’s included in the box of pectin, I’m assuming that it helps with the gel?
