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The Martin to Gates transition is starting to feel a lot like the Pruitt to Heupel transition. At least now Missouri is playing basketball that is fun to watch.
That’s a very solid start for Beamer. If you want to be successful, you have to lockdown the best in state players.
If you were at UT from 2018-2020 that doesn’t really help your resume, but he wasn’t really the problem. Bad scheme and poor quarterback play we’re more to blame.
How does garbage like this make it past the moderators, but you can’t say Chris tmas. Do better SDS.
Great performance from our defense, especially Aaron Beasley. They kept showing up in critical moments.
How does a guy accumulate 6 pick sixes? Why do people keep throwing the ball at him?
It’s been a long time since anyone has wanted our coaches. That’s a good sign.
If he has made the choice to do what his family wants, then that shows he really has grown up. Kudos to him.
I’m with you. If you put U.S.A. on the front of the jersey then I’ll watch. I love the World Cup and the Olympics.
I want Danny White to go pay Arnett whatever it takes to make him our D coordinator next year.
A few mustard bottles probably would have got the refs to change the call.
I think a 10 point margin is accurate, but with these two defenses that number seems low. I’m thinking more 37-27. The wild card though is the weather.
I would guarantee the UT fans would buy every ticket available for a game in Atlanta. Business freebies would probably shift some tickets to UGA, but UT would have at least 40% of the stands. Our fan base is starved for good football. Just go back and look at the UT-LSU game.
How many kids are going to transfer out anyway?
I think running the score up there was more about Heupel having issues with Drink than anything else. Typically we go into clock killing mode (Kentucky, LSU games). I’m guessing there is some personal issues there.
That offense is definitely playoff worthy. I’m not sure the defense is good enough though. That throw by Milton to White there at the end of the game was unbelievable. There aren’t many guys in the NFL who could make that throw and he did it easily.
I’m not a fan of this concept, but at this point Tennessee needs the style points. We need to drop 40 and win by 17+ the rest of the way if we are going to sneak into the 4 spot.
I think Missouri’s defense will keep the game competitive in the first half, but I think it turns into a blowout eventually. Mizzou’s offense just can’t provide enough of a rest.
One thing he mentioned in his interview is how much a Power 5 job would change things for his staff. Money isn’t a huge deal for him b/c of everything else he has accomplished in his career, but P5 coordinator money is on a different level.
That was really impressive on UGAs part. I thought our o line would hold up better, but that wasn’t the case. To beat UGA we needed to play a perfect game, and that didn’t happen. At this point I really don’t see any team that can beat Georgia this year.
I don’t really understand the timing of this extension. It’s not like there is some other school looking to scoop him up.
I would say the biggest thing that gives us a chance is an improved o line. Last year we had a “good” offense, but not a great offense. This year the offense is great because is 3rd and 1, 4th and 1, goal to go situations we can line up and bully ball. Last year we lost to Bama and UGA specifically for that reason.
As a Vol fan the one that concerns me the most is definitely the Bowers-Washington combo. Those two guys are unique matchups.
I think it is important to remember that stats can tell you a lot, but they can’t tell you everything. Especially in College Football, where the sample size is relatively small and most good teams play 3 or 4 teams that have no chance. This would be my assessment of how our defense has played this year. Games that really tell you nothing: Ball St., Akron, UT Martin Bad Performances: Florida, Bama Both games saw an athletic quarterback force missed tackles and extend plays. This lead to a lot of guys uncovering on the back end. Also, Bryce Young is incredible and makes 95% of defenses out there look bad, especially when he is on a hot streak. Good Performances: Pitt, LSU, Kentucky In all of these games our defensive pressure caused serious problems for the opposing quarterback. My ultimate consensus is whichever o line plays better in this game wins. The wild card like always is turnovers and special teams.
The difference is that the ceiling for UT is championships, because we have done it before.
What I’m interested to see next week is where exactly is the big gap in the conference. Is it between #3 and #4 or is it between #4 and #5? I honestly think both the big games next week will be one score games.
I learned there is a big gap between the top group (UGA, UT, Bama, & LSU) and everyone else. The Kentucky and USC fans who were trying to make themselves believe they had a chance have to be struggling this morning.
That is what Bama did and Hyatt beat Hallams one on one for 5 touchdowns.
I’ll be honest, I’ve reached the age where I’m not a huge fan of the night game. Staying up till after midnight messes me up for the next couple days. I love the 3:30 time slot, but hate the CBS announcers.