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Imagine all of the SDS articles expressing outrage . . . at least they have already written all of them about the Heisman ceremony so they can just find/replace "heisman" with "draft". I wonder what is like to be that far on the wrong side of history?
Then why not rank Bama #1? Or are you saying that Saban is agreeing with Pollock?
I think the author made a mistake. Didn't he mean to write this about Hendon Hooker and how he should have been invited to NYC? I'm confused . . .
Exactly, and should UGA lose a game, they can follow the GOAT's lead and stream Nick-scuses (rebuilding, injuries, etc.) and then have the loss not actually count . . .
That's easy to say - but did he say which of the 4 actual finalists he would have replaced? Grow a pair, Greg . . .
I think that you're letting the glare from Stetson's Natioinal Championship blind you.
Why is everyone obsessed with "some hiccups the last time out against LSU in the SEC Championship"? Do you not know that UGA was up 35-7 and playing "prevent defense"? What prevent defense in the history of football has not given up significant yards and points? In fact, that's what it is supposed to do. I hope that OSU is as excited about the "hiccups" as everyone in the media seems to be. If so, they will certainly get to experience UGA's prevent defense for a significant portion of the game, too.
This is NOT fantasy football - winning the games (and therefore BEING A WINNER) actually matters
I'm so glad for the Vol fans and SDS writers that he got his participation trophy - hopefully this helps with the pain, although I'm not surprised that you took the opportunity to take another cheap shot at Stetson (see "yet"). . .
Perhaps SDS can find another irrelevant loser demeaning Stetson so that they can "justify" another hit piece on him.
No clue who Doug is, but he'll be seen as small and and on the wrong side of history like SDS writers . . .
Classy again! The Heisman was voted on like it always is - fairly. Where is the controversy? Because you don't like how they voted? That's not Stetson's fault. Why does he continue to get mocked for winning games? Is that not the object of the games? Or is the object now to generate stats?
If the commenters on this site ever saw a real fact, it would scare them to death. Your opinion is no more fact than his. SMH
And he has more losses too and less CFP games to play - good for him
Let's not get too hung up on the "flaws" in the SEC Champ game. UGA was up by 30 and playing prevent. Every prevent defense ever has given up plently of yards.
You have opinions and losses. We have wins and an invitation to NYC. You lose again . . .
SDS and Andrew: You CANNOT write an article using a few selected Twitter rants to MOCK a college athlete. Is that now considered journalism? Is that supposed to represent a majority of fans? What is it supposed to represent other than a CHEAP SHOT at a college athlete. Have you no dignity nor shame? Unbelievable . . .
The disrespect for Stetson by SDS continues to be staggering and saddening and shameful. How can you be on the wrong side of history so often? Let's make sure that Hooker and the other Vol apologists get their participation trophy for continuing to lose the most important games. SEC football still is about winning - right?
Now if he were only good enough to be on All-SEC teams . . .
UGA will take the Team Championship trophy and let everyone else feel good about themselves because of their meaningless individual awards. It's all about culture. TEAM > me
Duh - 2 losses vs 1 - why do we keep seeing articles about this? Bama NEVER had a chance . . .
UGA would LOVE for Mich to be #1, but the writer is making the rececency bias mistake. You shouldn't compare Michigan's win vs OSU to UGA's game this week. Compare Michigan's game against OSU to UGA's games vs Oregon and TN. That would be a fair comparison.
ALA has no chance. A 2-loss conference champ - any 2-loss conference champ - will make it in before a 2 loss non-division winning ALA team.
Wouldn't ALA be behind TN in the final poll? Both 2 losses, neither won their division and TN beat ALA . . .
Substitute "Tennessee" for "Ohio St" and "Hooker" for "Stroud" and you'll match 10+ SDS/ESPN articles from 3 weeks ago . . . yawn . . .
Sounding like TN week again . . . love it. Please keep writing these articles . . .