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Tide8x5, not sure what your deal is with neon deon, but don’t count the man short just from your expectations. His son came to Bryant and played admirably right before both of them made the leap. I haven’t seen or heard a bad word yet from people close to them. We’ll see what prime does out yonder, but I’ll hold my tongue until then.
WPS! Some welcomed good news. Keep it coming from the hill.
Bobby apologized. Both are known to have cheated on their wives. Bobby with one and Freeze with multiple paid hookers. I am interested to see the dynamics at atm being a hog fan, but Freeze takes the cake as the worst considering all the other infractions, not to mention throwing Nutt under his bus.
That’s a drop. From 1 to 5 after one sec game. As was stated, the team is still gelling.
The Razorbacks previous “coach” would like a word.
Could be wrong, but I don’t believe he was a starter, but I didn’t remember he was from Little Rock.
I’m at the game and I still don’t understand how we’re playing Kansas with a conference basketball game on the same day. Any help U of Misery? All in good fun pretty much.
That can’t be right. The hogs have a conference basketball game today, so we can’t play Kansas in a bowl game on the same day. Isn’t that how it works Missouri?
Mr. Spencer, when can we expect another starting 5 article? It’s been well over a week and I enjoy them, especially as my hogs are performing well right now. Thanks.