
Recent Comments
You can make me go away for good p e d o p h i l e, all you have to do is meet me for lunch. I'm only about 10 minutes from you, we can get 3 rounds in before lunch is over, hell I don't even know if I would break a sweat! Meet me and I'll go away forever!
How's your mother doing child m o l e s t o r? I only ask because I was balls deep in her a s s last night! She won't s h i t right for a week. And yes, I saw all the kids toys you have in the basement to entice them with you f u c k i n g sorry a s s child diddler.
What is hell? Oh, you mean that imaginary place people talk about going for bad people? LMAO, some refer to it as Athens! By the way, there's not a heaven either you f u c k i n g idiot.
Hey there you little p u s s y a s s b I t c h boy! NEGAN F U C K S CHILDREN. K I L L ALL P E D O P H I L E S.
Your mother has been hired to f u c k UGA (poor dog)! Are you still f u c k I n g little children? I hope someone takes your punk a s s out. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE YOU F U C K I N G P E D O P H I L E.
You know all about felonies don't you little negan? Because you're a f u c k i n g child mo le s t i n g piece of s h i t. When I find you I'll rid the world of you. I'm getting closer to, shouldn't be too much longer and everyone on here will thank me! I'm coming for you you f u c k i n g P e d o p h i l .
Has anything this dude said over the years ever been true?
Not looking to spar humper, I was waiting on this comment. I think some of these guys when they go from being a OC to Head Coach and having his team ranked #1 as Mullen did with Miss St, EGO is a real thing! I have to admit and pains me to do so Humper, lol, but I agree with this statement. See, i can be a nice guy!
Why would the puppies be rent free in anyone's head? Now that's funny! Oh yeah, s h i t h e a d. Go ask uncle daddy if you can be online, he may busy with sis though!
wE dOnT NEeD hIm hE WaSNt gOoD eNouGh - sIGnEd EvErY uGa FAn
Sounds to me like you're the predator along with your boyfriend negan and tdow!
Oh yea Mr Bill, how did that ban work out for ya? Ohhhhh Nooooo Mr BIll!
LMAO, wow Bill you have me shaking in my shoes! FBI watch list on a College Football site comment section, LOL! You're an idiot
You mother f u c k e r s get on here and belittle people all day. Sucks when it happens to you huh? Get a life loser.
That's the funniest s h i t I've seen all day tide! Keep up the good work! LMAO
You sure do seem to know everything Corch. Or could it be you are so obsessed with a 25 yr old that you can't handle someone making negative comments about him? LMAO, what a loser.
No, I repeatedly post about stopping you and your daddy negan from m o l e s t i n g children. Nice try though.
Oh, and Bill you couldn't ban me if you tried you punk a s s b i t c h .
Tdow, you're the one with your boyfriend negan doing the mo l e s t i n g but you want me investigated for trying to stop you. LMAO
And exactly what is the crime? That's what I thought.
YES, report me to law enforcement for trying to get someone to stop m o l e s t i n g kids! We now see which side of the fence you are on. Maybe they should be investigating you. Sad little b i t c h e s.
And yet you keep f u c k i n g little kids! Hey you punk a s s child m o l e s t o r, leave the kids alone. Why don't you throw that 3 round offer out to me? Because you're a scared little b i t c h , that's why. Cause I'll f u c k i n g end you p u s s y boy.
Another stolen valor recipient, you should be ashamed. Your mother doesn't mind it though. If your parents divorce are they still brother and sister? How much meth have you cooked in that meth lab/doublewide? You think you did something there but you didn't, i really don't give a s h i t if everyone in your family dies, I just like watching you idiots freak out. LMAO