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Charlie Baker,a politico.Just what thencaa needs.Sits and uses position for a hat in the ring run for a top political office in a couple of years.Get some one with at least some useful background to try to run the ncaa or run it out of town.This guy will be a joke of Emmert's chemical peel governorship.
Ass long as Golding is going,that will be good for Bama.We beat them and I never saw them adjust for Hiatt and our receivers.
Matt Hayes,You are not a once,you are a douche!Where does this site get these writers?Does a little ten(twelve)site have writers this bad?I wouldn't wish this scribble on anyone.The only reason people read this is tripe is because it's about the SEC.
Run those Red-assed Raiders off the field.I hope all SEC teams win big.Don't come down south talking about football!
Georgia,Just beat on the suckeyes and they will quit.No time to breathe,no time to react.The run or pass is past them by the time they see what's happening.Bowers and Washington,they have never seen the likes of those two.And the run game,including Stetson.Humiliate the little ten(twelve,they cannot even count).
You guys should harass and render Stroud into pieces of chicken.Power run game with passes to humiliate the suckeyes would be a good gift for all.Then,if Missegan wins,deja vu for Harbaugh. No mercy to the big ten(twelve).
Put Mike Leach in.If any one deserves to be in,Hall of Fame coach Leach does.Emmert,get out of your manicurist's chair and say he's in.
volbeef,Nice way to be an ass.You pull for SEC teams except for vandy.That being said,back to your mothers basement.
Kirby4prez,Maybe with our sisters;but,you excell on the skin flute.
LeghumperU,Burton was a disappointment because he was afraid.Proven by his slapping a female after she had passed him,and stepped out of his way on the field.Not even enough balls to slap her to her face.It's a goood thing he took his courage and his ass away from Georgia.
Tidefan8x5,I believe that the pirate sticker on each SEC player's helmet in the bowl games would be the very least we could do to show the respect,love and admiration to a greatcoach,innovator,andiconic personality.May the pirate sword and flag fly always.Maybe a Mike leach trophy to the best OC in the SEC or nation.Goodbye ,sir,for now.
Thank you,Cedric, for the time,hard work,and the "It's my ball" @attitude whenever the pass came your way.VFL forever.All the best of luck in your future.Again,thanks.
I sincerely hope that Coach Mike Leach will escover and is/will be able to resume coaching in the near future.The "Pirate" is a good coach and an enormously entertaining person.Best wishes from all Vol fans to you,Mike ,and your family and Miss.St.
nobleman69,What was that score,ah 40 to something insignificant.You might want to back up your oriface.
CBS ANAlyists,like Gary Danielson,Vern Lundquist?
SDS is what some may call "fluff"writing by sophomores.
You are right.But,the most valuable player to His team-it has to be Hendon.Stetson is very good.Sees the field,knows the plays pretty much perfectly.
It all depends on whether you like the"flash"in orange in UT's games.or,the tight end/wr stud that is Bowers.Sort of like,Do you like gold or platinum?
To most "sports writers",there is only one schoolTHE Ohoho State.
Levis doesn't want another98 yard passing game with interceptions and sacks.Any pro team that would take him in the first roundis wasting a pick.Second or third round.Shows no real ability to progress to second or third choice,late with throws,doesn't avoid a hot blitz well.Injuries aside,he has not shown quick change thinking while a play develops.
Go and play the other-worldly offensive game like you played against us.Beat the doors off of the irish doesn't come close to the arrogance of the holy irish.Best of luck,and don't let them breathe.
Exactly Tidefan8x5,We get all ready for the season to start,then,in three months,it's done.If the bodies could take it,I'd love to see a twenty game schedule.Pro hockey and BB start end of Sept/first of Oct.They end in June.Love college football-the SEC is best by far.