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Doesn't make no difference, we gome win anyhow.
What did he say, Keith? Huh? What did he say in your article up there? Otherwise, a terrific colyum.
First time UF ever had a player name of Kayaunta, and only the second time in college football anywhere and back that a player come and go with it. Check out the 1926 Vanderbilt Slogans.
It really was an incredible response. I told Darlene what Burrow said and she said, "What an incredible response." Just like that without giving it a thought she said, "What an incredible response." "By what's-his-name," she said. Then, "What's his name?" The rest of us were still guffawing and Darlene added fuel to fire. People all around were saying, "Better send them refunds.", and that would set off another round of guffawing. The guy is really funny, besides being a football player. And all. I still can't believe he said it. "Better send them refunds.", just like that without any practice, or nothing. After the game was played, and they won. Sometimes you just don't know what to expect. Anything can happen these days.
How do you pronounce his name and on what grounds?
Tried reading it today, Neil. But, I swear, I couldn't get past the first paragraph. Been cooking some cannellinis in homemade vegetable broth, so I'm a little tired, I guess. Maybe I'll give it another whack tomorrow. Hold on.
I haven't read the 10 you have up there yet, but I'm fixin' to do it tomorrow. Or the next day.
It's been so long since you had anything on here, Neil, I thought you'd have at least 18-20 questions to agonize over when you returned. But only 10! Heck!
I don't know, Booch. I didn't say that because I said something else, I guess. And, Boochie-Booch, I sure hope you aren't mad or nothing.
It doesn't matter whether he learns from his mistakes. Since he is a grown man and a college graduate, if he cannot control himself in such intellectually (and emotionally) simple situations, it's likely that nothing can be done to teach him. The thing to do is punish him with larger and larger punitive sanctions until some semblance of inhibitory control emerges or he is out of the league entirely. Whichever comes first.
Gator6, would you please come on here and tell booches94 I was just playing around, trying to have a little fun, teasin', and stuff. It's Monday morning, and we have a long way to go before we rest. It doesn't hurt nuffin' to throw a little-bitty bit of fun in there. Like in this case, horsing around wit lanquich. Stuff like that. Have a nice day.
Yes, but he be feel so bat. He didn't mean to. It were his emotion, not him. His mama raise him to be gut boy.
He was qualified to get into the Housing Management: Small Units program at Auburn, but he wanted Mid-sized Units. The former goes up to 4 units per building, and the latter 6-12 units per building.
He was fixin' to go to Auburn, but the Lawerd told him Missouri was going to be it.
Same to ya. And yours. And mine. And to those gators who make this site worth reading--I'm looking at you cajones and stlouis and nash and others and some from Ga I'm not gonna name, and a couple from Mo, and LSUMC.
USC, huh? That being said, goodbye. Having said "goodbye", tootleloo.
Leghumper, you're nothing but an ol' scoundrel. You ought to be 'shamed of yourself what you said up there.
Mullen didn't go to college. Or if he did, nothing stuck. You can tell when you hear him talk.
It passeth all human understanding why this moron thought the world would be interested in which football scholarship he is considering, and even God's understanding in why SDS would publish such pap.
I hate the moronic blather of these self-important football players. You want to leave, then leave. But shut-up about it.
Equally tenuous was the claim that he sat on the bench for 732 straight games. Had his teams played, say, 11 games a year, it would have taken more than 66 years to play that many games. It may be that Leeland had something else in mind with the post.
Kyle Trask was a sub for 732 straight games before he found his chance. To me, that proves that Muschamp was one dumb coach.