
Recent Comments
The road goes on forever and the party never ends!
Bobo was fine and had Kirby has the over all talent at another dimension now....
She was obviously into making poor life choices....
Say it loud and proud boys.... they raise their kids to hate you and say your evil..... while you are raising your kids to love everyone and not see colour....lol
He was a good boy! No indication whatsoever! She was a good mom! Just clubbin on the strip....lol
Nothing good happens after midnight kids.... go home and go to bed
Why be one of them? Everything isn't a slight or a micro aggression.... Kirby literally went to UGA & cmr laid a great foundation to take to next level.....
One loved his people.... The other hates his people.... Just saying
When you're hot you're hot.... When you're not you're not..... -Jerry Reed